Saving Your Value

:dizzy: This page is compatible with Klipper, Marlin, and RepRapFirmware.

  • In the [extruder] section of your config, update pressure_advance to the new value and issue a RESTART.

    • Alternatively:

    • In PS/SS, you can manage this per-filament by putting SET_PRESSURE_ADVANCE ADVANCE=<value> in your custom filament g-code.
      • You can also set different values for different nozzle sizes using :page_facing_up: this.
    • In Cura, you can set it during slicing using :page_facing_up: this plugin.

  • Place M900 K<value> in your filament g-code (same as above). This must be set each time.

  • You can save a permanent default to the firmware by modifying Configuration_adv.h and reflashing the firmware. Instructions in the “Saving the K-Factor in the Firmware” section :page_facing_up: here.

  • In Cura, you can set it during slicing using :page_facing_up: this plugin.

  • Place M572 S<value> in your filament g-code (same as above) or in your start macro. This must be set each time.