Dump Variables

:dizzy: Macros are compatible with Klipper only.

Table of contents

This dumps all current Klipper variables to the g-code terminal.

This helps to find Klipper system variables for use in macros. A filter for both name and value can be applied.

[gcode_macro DUMP_VARIABLES]
    {% set filter_name = params.NAME|default('')|string|lower %}
    {% set filter_value = params.VALUE|default('')|string|lower %}
    {% set show_cfg = params.SHOW_CFG|default(0)|int %}
    {% set out = [] %}

    {% for key1 in printer %}
        {% for key2 in printer[key1] %}
            {% if (show_cfg or not (key1|lower == 'configfile' and key2|lower in ['config', 'settings'])) and (filter_name in key1|lower or filter_name in key2|lower) and filter_value in printer[key1][key2]|string|lower %}
                {% set dummy = out.append("printer['%s'].%s = %s" % (key1, key2, printer[key1][key2])) %}
            {% endif %}
        {% else %}
            {% if filter_name in key1|lower and filter_value in printer[key1]|string|lower %}
                {% set dummy = out.append("printer['%s'] = %s" % (key1, printer[key1])) %}
            {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}

The filtering functionality was contributed by :page_facing_up: FatalBulletHit. Thanks!


  • NAME (string) - Filter results based on name (only show varables with names containing this string)
  • VALUE (string) - Filter results based on value (only show values containing this value)
  • SHOW_CFG (integer, 0-1) - Set to 1 to include entire config in output. Default 0 (config filtered out)


  • DUMP_VARIABLES: Returns all variables (excluding printer['configfile'].config and printer['configfile'].settings as they contain the entire config).
  • DUMP_VARIABLES NAME=stepper: Returns all variables which have the string stepper in their name.
  • DUMP_VARIABLES VALUE=extruder : Returns all variables which have the string extruder in their value.
  • DUMP_VARIABLES NAME=stepper VALUE=extruder : Returns all variables which have the string stepper in their name and the string extruder in their value.
  • DUMP_VARIABLES SHOW_CFG=1 : Returns all variables, including the config.