
:dizzy: Macros are compatible with Klipper only.

Table of contents

Allows you to utilize your LCD beeper. This requires you to specify your beeper pin as an output pin.

PWM Beeper

A PWM beeper is more common nowadays, and is used on the common MINI12864 display.

Your pin may be different.

[output_pin beeper]
pin: EXP1_1
value: 0
shutdown_value: 0
pwm: True
cycle_time: 0.0005 ; Default beeper tone in kHz. 1 / 0.0005 = 2000Hz (2kHz)


  • BEEP: Beep once with defaults.
  • BEEP I=3: Beep 3 times with defaults.
  • BEEP I=3 DUR=200 FREQ=2000: Beep 3 times, for 200ms each, at 2kHz frequency.
[gcode_macro BEEP]
    # Parameters
    {% set i = params.I|default(1)|int %}           ; Iterations (number of times to beep).
    {% set dur = params.DUR|default(100)|int %}     ; Duration/wait of each beep in ms. Default 100ms.
    {% set freq = params.FREQ|default(2000)|int %}  ; Frequency in Hz. Default 2kHz.

    {% for iteration in range(i|int) %}
        SET_PIN PIN=beeper VALUE=0.8 CYCLE_TIME={ 1.0/freq if freq > 0 else 1 }
        G4 P{dur}
        SET_PIN PIN=beeper VALUE=0
        G4 P{dur}
    {% endfor %}

This is the simple looping implementation. If you’re feeling fancy, you can also :page_facing_up: play tunes with it. (Tune macros by Dustinspeed#6423)

Non-PWM Beeper

Non-PWM beepers are used on some other displays such as the Ender 3 stock display.

Your pin will likely be different.

[output_pin beeper]
pin: P1.30
value: 0
shutdown_value: 0


  • BEEP: Beep once with defaults.
  • BEEP I=3: Beep 3 times with defaults.
  • BEEP I=3 DUR=100: Beep 3 times, for 100ms each.
[gcode_macro BEEP]
    # Parameters
    {% set i = params.I|default(1)|int %}        ; Iterations (number of times to beep).
    {% set dur = params.DUR|default(100)|int %}  ; Duration/wait of each beep in ms. Default 100ms.

    {% for iteration in range(i|int) %}
        SET_PIN PIN=beeper VALUE=1
        G4 P{dur}
        SET_PIN PIN=beeper VALUE=0
		G4 P{dur}
    {% endfor %}