Shut Down Host

:dizzy: Macros are compatible with Klipper only.

OctoPrint and Moonraker use different shutdown commands, but it doesn’t hurt to have both.

I also throw in commands to turn off everything else first, otherwise your case lighting / neopixels etc will stay on.

[gcode_macro SHUTDOWN]
    #LCDRGB R=0 G=0 B=0                               ; Turn off LCD neopixels (see above for this macro)
    #OFF                                              ; Shortcut to turn everything off (see above for this macro)
    {action_respond_info('action:poweroff')}          ; OctoPrint compatible host shutdown
	{action_call_remote_method("shutdown_machine")}   ; Moonraker compatible host shutdown

Then you can add it to the “setup” menu of your LCD with this:

[menu __main __setup __shutdown]
type: command
enable: {not printer.idle_timeout.state == "Printing"}
name: Shut down

Or the “control” menu, if you prefer, with this:

[menu __main __control __shutdown]
type: command
enable: {not printer.idle_timeout.state == "Printing"}
name: Shut down